Psychological Flexibility Training
Are you interesting in moving toward increased Psychological Flexibility and Creativity? Just type in your email address to the left and receive a free e-book.
Acceptance & Commitment Therapy (ACT) Training for Mental Health Professionals using the Matrix Diagram
Dr. Polk has spent thousands of hours simplifying ACT and deriving the Matrix Diagram. He provides webinars and individual consulting via the internet, telephone and in person.
The advantage of the Matrix to mental health professionals is that it makes learning ACT very easy. Plus, when you do ACT with the Matrix, it's extremely rewarding. You never dreamed working with other people could be so much fun.
If you are interested in a live training, contact Kevin at
Or check out Dr. Polk's webinar and consulting schedule...Click Here
Diane H. says: This was a valuable training. Not only is the info that Dr.Polk teaches immediately useful in sessions with clients his attention to "languaging" is refreshing and helpful. I wish that we could implement his training at VA centers across the country! Diane Heisterkamp,Ph.D. Lancaster,PA
Linda hamilton H. says: Thank you so much Kevin, I really got a lot out of the webinar yesterday and have already begun using the matrix in group. I expect it to be awesome for my clients and my self. Linda Hamilton, Asheville, NC
James B. says: I was fortunate to have received my initial ACT training from Dr. Polk and his colleagues. What I learned from Dr. Polk allowed me to design and develop an innovative Partial Hospitalization Program for Uniformed Service Professionals; e.g., cops, firefighters, veterans, emergency medical personnel, etc., who suffer from complex trauma. The use of the ACT Matrix developed by Dr. Polk is a mainstay of our program and his innovative "Sorting" and "Blending" ACT based techniques have been invaluable in helping a population that is often resistant to treatment. I highly recommend Dr. Polk's services. He is a true pioneer and innovator in this emerging field.