For some of us success comes fast and easy. I don’t know about you, but I’m in the other group where success comes slow with lots of trials, barriers and issues.
While many of those barriers to success are external, many are internal. Self doubt, fear, frustration, anxiety and many more emotions can show up and get in the way. Thoughts like, “I will never succeed” also show up. The problem is that when those kind of unwanted thoughts and feelings show up inside, you can start doing things to try to lessen them, and most of the time what you do is NOT toward building your business and gaining more free time. The problem is that you are doing “Relief” loops on the Away side of the Matrix and burning lots of time.
The skill is in shifting to “Success Loops” instead of relief loops. This simply means that the outcome of the loop is the pleasure of getting something done, instead of the short-term relief of not doing something. Success loops show up on the right side of the Matrix, and success loops are really not that hard to create once you get the hang of it. The “trick” is gently shifting from doing too many away loops to doing more success loops using the “Mindshift Matrix.” tool.
Step 1: Using the Matrix tool (you can get a free one to print along with a Matrix Entrepreneurs Raw Materials Guide by clicking here), you simply answer the four questions. Write your answers onto the Matrix you printed (or drew for yourself). Be honest with all of your answers and you will have created “The Big Picture” of yourself.
Step 2: Next, as you go through your day Notice the four questions and your answers. Notice as you do away (relief) loops, especially in regards to your business. Notice as you do toward moves and notice the satisfaction of getting things done.
Free Time: As you shift away from “Relief Loops” (which are often wasted time) to “Success Loops” take some of that wasted time and give it to who and what’s important to you, including yourself. Remember, the number 1 Big Picture question is, “Who is important to you?” The “what’s important” of business success is really in the service of who’s important to you. As you gain more success, notice if you are shifting more time toward who’s important. That’s the real sign of success, and most people count that as Free Time!
Be Well!
Kevin L. Polk, PhD
Dr. Polk is the creator of the ACT Matrix (and the Mindshift Matrix), a clinical psychologist and an entrepreneur coach. Sign up for his next free webinar Mindshift Matrix the easy way to overcoming hurdles, finding success and having more free time This webinar is for entrepreneurs, including solo practitioners, small business owners and more. The webinar will be recorded and sent out to all who register.