Hi Folks,
I’m taking another swing at integrating primary care with what is know as the “Recovery” model. The basic idea is that patients recover into fully functioning lives. The trouble is to get the idea to take hold in the primary care setting.
The VERP (yes, looks almost just like the matrix) is a simple, one-page document that can be shown to anyone, including Primary Care Providers (PCPs). I figure it can be put up as posters, handed to them, etc.
Note that in this form the matrix does not necessarily lead to ACT. You can use this form with any therapy, physical or mental.
Let me know what you think.
As usual, I’m evolving this. I’m not even stuck on the name. I sort of liked VERP because it rhymes with Urp, but that’s just me.
I’m doing a webinar on this topic. Check it out at:
Take care,
I’ve been speaking to lots of GP’s lately, and describing ACT by “doing a Matrix warmup” is the most engaging way – they “get it” straight away, and are keen to learn more. I like this VERP… only not super keen on the name Visually Engaging is okay, the other bits not so much. I liked the Visual Wellness Plan, but realise is doesn’t make a “word” like VERP. Can’t think of anything catchy just now, but would LOVE something catchy which suggests health, vitality, workability, and general (medical) health – anyone? 🙂 cheers, rob p
Yes! Please come up with something catchy. I thought of VERP in about 90 seconds. Needs more work!