News: has been updated. You can see that it emphasizes Psychological Flexibility Training (PFT). Take a look and link to the site whenever possible. Thanks in advance!

Webinar: January 12, 2012 is the start date of the ACT for Pain webinar (4 sessions). Email me at for details.

Psychological Flexibility Training (PFT): The diagram shows it all. It’s based on teaching people how to notice the difference between how it feels to do Toward behaviors and Away behaviors. While doing Away or Toward one can also notice the difference between Sensory and Mental experiencing.

Notice that while the diagram calls for people to sort experiencing and behaving, it immediately calls for noticing the difference between them. In other words, it’s the noticing that the big thing, not the sorting.

Once you do some noticing of these differences (especially toward and away), you will probably notice some interesting derivations showing up.

Want to learn how to train yourself and others? Check out my videos, more of this blog, and maybe even buy the book.

Be Well,
